(The Sun 27/05/11)
I've been having fantastic sex with a work colleague for six months now. We can't resist one another but she's married.
I'm a guy of 25 and my lover is 34 and married. I work in a care-home and she is my supervisor. It was hard to settle in but she took me under her wing from the start and gave me the easier residents to look after, and so and I began to enjoy it.
The day-staff went out for a pizza one night and we sat together. We had a lot to drink and shared a taxi home as we live near to each other. She started to feel a bit queasy in the cab so when we got to my place, I suggested she came in to have some water and sober up, and I'd walk her home from there. We got to through the front door and she tripped up the stairs to my flat. I caught her arm and we had a fit of giggles, then she fell against me and I kissed her.
We went upstairs and I took her through to my bedroom and we had sex. She made me feel alive. She knew exactly what to do to make me feel good.
I took her home later and at work the next day, she said she'd enjoyed it so much. We've been going back to my flat for sex whenever we can. She's said she's in love with me and I know I love her. She's tried to end our relationship three times now but we can't resist each other. She told me last week that she loves her husband and again said we really have got to stop our affair, but by yesterday she was begging me back to bed. I don't know what to do.
Uncle William says:
Let me get this straight: you're having regular sessions of hot monkey sex with an attractive more experienced lover, no strings attached, and you don't know what to do. Seriously? Here we go again. How about you get down on your knees and offer some fervent gratitude toward your deity of choice.
Guys and their pathetic fidgety games of possession: clingy boyfriends getting all uptight about what girlfriends might be up to, who they're looking at, who's looking at them, what they're wearing; just as uptight fathers react to the increasingly rival male attention enjoyed by teen daughters. Ultimately, and tragically, chumps like this are far more interested in ownership than they are in sex.
Once you've got up off your knees, let go of the fucking possessiveness. She doesn't belong to you and that's a good thing. Fuck her just the way you like it, and if she likes it, she'll keep coming back for more. That's really all there is to it and you should know that's a great place to be.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
You'll be coming with me to hell for watching this sleazy trash...
Coming Apart
, 1969 (*****)
from behind the couch of a New York apartment, we get to see a psychiatrist's hidden camera footage of himself uncomfortably liaising with various women - and while that's about the extent of it, this is as compelling and original a study of mental breakdown as you'll ever see
, 1970 (***)
fly-on-the-wall documentary about female and male groupies from the late 60s rock music scene - whilst the extended live music footage is as dire as it is possible to get, the rest gives you many fascinating glimpses into a world that already seems ancient; it also exposes the complicity of the groupies and the musicians in perpetuating myths of their sexual degeneracy, the truth is far more prosaic: all-night drink, drugs, and talkin' bullshit; one particularly hilarious scene features some dreadful English band in their hotel room giggling uncomfortably with some groupies about not wanting to have plastercasts made of their, quite obviously, undersized weenies
Shogun's Sadism
, 1976 (**)
not nearly as hardcore as others would have you believe, much of the torture element loses its potential for impact due to a cartoonish approach to the characters and historical themes of the movie's two featured stories
Van Nuys Blvd.
, 1979 (****)
classic Crown International drive-in flick featuring the adventures of an engaging bunch of teens cruising Van Nuys in search of sex and thrills with whoever comes along; as with the best examples of this genre, VNB is unencumbered with much plot thus allowing it the time and space for indulging in extended bouts of unadulterated fun; awesome vintage disco soundtrack too
The Beast In Heat
, 1977 (***)
of the four or five films which appear to have been randomly chopped up to make La Bestia In Calore, the one that features the breathtakingly beautiful Macha Magall as the sadistic SS officer is Italo-exploitation heaven as victims are shoved into a cage inhabited by an ogre fed on industrial strength aphrodisiacs
The Gestapo's Last Orgy
, 1977 (*****)
easily the best of 70s nazisploitation with qualities surely overlooked for belonging to such a reviled genre, Last Orgy is like a sleazy fusion of Godard, Fellini, and even Peter Greenaway - relentlessly explicit yet curiously arty, it manages to pack an incredible amount of content and ideas into its 90-odd minutes, comfortably outdoing Pasolini's more celebrated Salò for authentic Sadean content - as a side note, blonde bombshell lead Daniela Poggi would go on from here to have a long illustrious career in Italian cinema
Coming Apart
from behind the couch of a New York apartment, we get to see a psychiatrist's hidden camera footage of himself uncomfortably liaising with various women - and while that's about the extent of it, this is as compelling and original a study of mental breakdown as you'll ever see
fly-on-the-wall documentary about female and male groupies from the late 60s rock music scene - whilst the extended live music footage is as dire as it is possible to get, the rest gives you many fascinating glimpses into a world that already seems ancient; it also exposes the complicity of the groupies and the musicians in perpetuating myths of their sexual degeneracy, the truth is far more prosaic: all-night drink, drugs, and talkin' bullshit; one particularly hilarious scene features some dreadful English band in their hotel room giggling uncomfortably with some groupies about not wanting to have plastercasts made of their, quite obviously, undersized weenies
Shogun's Sadism
not nearly as hardcore as others would have you believe, much of the torture element loses its potential for impact due to a cartoonish approach to the characters and historical themes of the movie's two featured stories
Van Nuys Blvd.
classic Crown International drive-in flick featuring the adventures of an engaging bunch of teens cruising Van Nuys in search of sex and thrills with whoever comes along; as with the best examples of this genre, VNB is unencumbered with much plot thus allowing it the time and space for indulging in extended bouts of unadulterated fun; awesome vintage disco soundtrack too
The Beast In Heat
of the four or five films which appear to have been randomly chopped up to make La Bestia In Calore, the one that features the breathtakingly beautiful Macha Magall as the sadistic SS officer is Italo-exploitation heaven as victims are shoved into a cage inhabited by an ogre fed on industrial strength aphrodisiacs
The Gestapo's Last Orgy
easily the best of 70s nazisploitation with qualities surely overlooked for belonging to such a reviled genre, Last Orgy is like a sleazy fusion of Godard, Fellini, and even Peter Greenaway - relentlessly explicit yet curiously arty, it manages to pack an incredible amount of content and ideas into its 90-odd minutes, comfortably outdoing Pasolini's more celebrated Salò for authentic Sadean content - as a side note, blonde bombshell lead Daniela Poggi would go on from here to have a long illustrious career in Italian cinema
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Uncle William: back. Mood: generous.
(The Sun 20/05/11)
I am a Swedish boy aged 21 and my greatest dream has always been to live in the UK.
I spent some weeks in Blackpool last summer and really understand this is the place for me. The problem came when I told my family.
My mother was absolutely crushed and started crying. Lots of family friends say bad stuff about England to try to make me stay but all it does is bring me down. Living in Sweden just makes me depressed because this doesn't feel like home.
I've tried to talk about it again calmly with my mm but she just gets angry and says, "Go to England then, but you'll be back." I don't know why she acts like this. She's the kindest person I know normally. I'm not saying she should like it but at least try to support me a bit. It's really starting to affect how I feel about her.
Uncle William says:
What if your mum is indeed the kindest person you know? By all means go and test out living your dream in Blackpool while at the same time being man enough to acknowledge to her that you could be wrong and that she and your family and friends may actually be right in identifying England as a comparative shithole.
(Daily Star 19/05/11)
My girl’s obsession with celebrities is killing our relationship. It drives me mad that she talks about people such as Cheryl, Dannii and Tulisa as if she knows them personally.
We can be sitting in a restaurant or bar and she’ll suddenly start telling me about Cheryl’s brother or Dannii’s relationship with Kylie, like they’re the people next door. She goes into detailed and long explanations of their complicated lives and feuds and it genuinely does my head in.
She gets sex obsessions, too, and at the moment it’s Lady GaGa. The other night I was round at her flat. Suddenly, she burst into the bedroom wearing the most bizarre underwear, high heels and make up you’ve ever seen.
Then she announced in a silly, phoney American accent that she was GaGa and demanded I make love to her as the crazy singer. She wanted to stay in character all night and said we’d have some fun. It was surreal and I can’t say that I enjoyed it much.
She kept strutting around and bursting into song. I worry her worship of famous people has made her lose her own identity and personality. She spends hours researching what all of these people think about fashion, politics and diet – and then she thinks what they think.
She takes their every word as the gospel truth. It’s the same with soap stars. She talks about storylines and characters as if they are real.
Once, she told me all about this girl who had her baby stolen. It was heartbreaking stuff and I genuinely thought that she was talking about a girl at her work. It was only later that it finally dawned on me that my lass was obsessing about a storyline she’d seen in EastEnders. I tell her that she’s incapable of separating fact from fiction. She laughs but it’s true.
I’m dating a woman who takes more notice of the characters on TV and on the internet than real people and real events and the truth is I’m finding it very hard to cope with.
Uncle William says:
You know what? I say you're a pathetic boring dreary whiny little shit.
Your girlfriend sounds awesome: she's playful, sexy, crazy, she's got a hot imagination, she's passionate and vibrant and excited about her life and her interests. You, on the other hand, should be ashamed about having to come to terms with this lovely treasure wanting to give herself to someone so completely and utterly, and depressingly, unappreciative and undeserving.
(The Sun 20/05/11)
I am a Swedish boy aged 21 and my greatest dream has always been to live in the UK.
I spent some weeks in Blackpool last summer and really understand this is the place for me. The problem came when I told my family.
My mother was absolutely crushed and started crying. Lots of family friends say bad stuff about England to try to make me stay but all it does is bring me down. Living in Sweden just makes me depressed because this doesn't feel like home.
I've tried to talk about it again calmly with my mm but she just gets angry and says, "Go to England then, but you'll be back." I don't know why she acts like this. She's the kindest person I know normally. I'm not saying she should like it but at least try to support me a bit. It's really starting to affect how I feel about her.
Uncle William says:
What if your mum is indeed the kindest person you know? By all means go and test out living your dream in Blackpool while at the same time being man enough to acknowledge to her that you could be wrong and that she and your family and friends may actually be right in identifying England as a comparative shithole.
(Daily Star 19/05/11)
My girl’s obsession with celebrities is killing our relationship. It drives me mad that she talks about people such as Cheryl, Dannii and Tulisa as if she knows them personally.
We can be sitting in a restaurant or bar and she’ll suddenly start telling me about Cheryl’s brother or Dannii’s relationship with Kylie, like they’re the people next door. She goes into detailed and long explanations of their complicated lives and feuds and it genuinely does my head in.
She gets sex obsessions, too, and at the moment it’s Lady GaGa. The other night I was round at her flat. Suddenly, she burst into the bedroom wearing the most bizarre underwear, high heels and make up you’ve ever seen.
Then she announced in a silly, phoney American accent that she was GaGa and demanded I make love to her as the crazy singer. She wanted to stay in character all night and said we’d have some fun. It was surreal and I can’t say that I enjoyed it much.
She kept strutting around and bursting into song. I worry her worship of famous people has made her lose her own identity and personality. She spends hours researching what all of these people think about fashion, politics and diet – and then she thinks what they think.
She takes their every word as the gospel truth. It’s the same with soap stars. She talks about storylines and characters as if they are real.
Once, she told me all about this girl who had her baby stolen. It was heartbreaking stuff and I genuinely thought that she was talking about a girl at her work. It was only later that it finally dawned on me that my lass was obsessing about a storyline she’d seen in EastEnders. I tell her that she’s incapable of separating fact from fiction. She laughs but it’s true.
I’m dating a woman who takes more notice of the characters on TV and on the internet than real people and real events and the truth is I’m finding it very hard to cope with.
Uncle William says:
You know what? I say you're a pathetic boring dreary whiny little shit.
Your girlfriend sounds awesome: she's playful, sexy, crazy, she's got a hot imagination, she's passionate and vibrant and excited about her life and her interests. You, on the other hand, should be ashamed about having to come to terms with this lovely treasure wanting to give herself to someone so completely and utterly, and depressingly, unappreciative and undeserving.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Afro Noise I
the response has been really fantastic, thanks so much to everyone who's already pre-ordered the CD (sadly, the free art cards are now finished but, since it's been such a success, already thinking of getting some new designs in); the first shipments have already started going out this week so they should start arriving with you very soon - was also (I confess) thrilled to see that The Wire had given it such a lovely full-page review in this month's issue, written by Nina Power
Cut Hands live
there's a Cut Hands show at the Glasgow School Of Art on 3rd June - it's free entry; I'll post more details as soon as I get them
the publishers of the wonderful Collapse journal are doing a summer auction of various unmissably exciting stuff
Uncle William
afraid to say that there's no Uncle William this week; he is willing to accept sole responsibility for the inevitable disappointing dip in the number of hits taken at the blog due to his absence
the response has been really fantastic, thanks so much to everyone who's already pre-ordered the CD (sadly, the free art cards are now finished but, since it's been such a success, already thinking of getting some new designs in); the first shipments have already started going out this week so they should start arriving with you very soon - was also (I confess) thrilled to see that The Wire had given it such a lovely full-page review in this month's issue, written by Nina Power
Cut Hands live
there's a Cut Hands show at the Glasgow School Of Art on 3rd June - it's free entry; I'll post more details as soon as I get them
the publishers of the wonderful Collapse journal are doing a summer auction of various unmissably exciting stuff
Uncle William
afraid to say that there's no Uncle William this week; he is willing to accept sole responsibility for the inevitable disappointing dip in the number of hits taken at the blog due to his absence
Friday, May 13, 2011
, 1985 (****)
a nasty South Bronx gang terrorise the residents of a run-down tenement building; there were quite a few of these urban warfare exploitation pictures in the 80s, most of which seem pretty goofy now - however, this lesser-known film despite its low budget stands up amazingly well with its surprisingly grim and tight direction by Roberta Findlay, though it is let down by the occasional intrusion of some truly awful freak-out rock
Emanuelle: Queen Of Sados
, 1980 (**)
there are dozens of these Emanuelle films and by shrewdly noting the single 'm' you know you're opting for a knock-off italo-sleaze jamboree bag where anything, good but mostly bad, is possible - this time we're off to Cyprus, and were it not for Mario's epic ineptitude as the 'stud', this would be good; as it is, there's tons of mindless sex and nudity in and around the beach and orange groves, including the participation of Emanuelle's startlingly young daughter
Mother's Day
, 1980 (****)
the madcap story might not amount to much but when the hyper-sleazy direction is as imaginative and energetic as it is here, you just don't care; easy to see why this movie, obscure in its day, is now so revered and inspirational for directors such as Eli Roth and Rob Zombie; looking forward to seeing the remake
Hide And Go Shriek
, 1988 (*)
a bunch of 'teens' (read 28-year-olds) go for a sleepover in a big furniture store where there's inevitably a maniac on the loose; unfortunately, while that may sound tempting, this is a horror film with porn quality acting without the porn or the horror
a nasty South Bronx gang terrorise the residents of a run-down tenement building; there were quite a few of these urban warfare exploitation pictures in the 80s, most of which seem pretty goofy now - however, this lesser-known film despite its low budget stands up amazingly well with its surprisingly grim and tight direction by Roberta Findlay, though it is let down by the occasional intrusion of some truly awful freak-out rock
Emanuelle: Queen Of Sados
there are dozens of these Emanuelle films and by shrewdly noting the single 'm' you know you're opting for a knock-off italo-sleaze jamboree bag where anything, good but mostly bad, is possible - this time we're off to Cyprus, and were it not for Mario's epic ineptitude as the 'stud', this would be good; as it is, there's tons of mindless sex and nudity in and around the beach and orange groves, including the participation of Emanuelle's startlingly young daughter
Mother's Day
the madcap story might not amount to much but when the hyper-sleazy direction is as imaginative and energetic as it is here, you just don't care; easy to see why this movie, obscure in its day, is now so revered and inspirational for directors such as Eli Roth and Rob Zombie; looking forward to seeing the remake
Hide And Go Shriek
a bunch of 'teens' (read 28-year-olds) go for a sleepover in a big furniture store where there's inevitably a maniac on the loose; unfortunately, while that may sound tempting, this is a horror film with porn quality acting without the porn or the horror
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Yes, your Uncle William is in a Very Bad Mood.
(The Guardian 05/05/11)
I'm a 29-year-old girl who has always been turned on by submissive fantasies – such as being raped, tortured, tied up etc. I know these are common female fantasies, but my problem is I can't have an orgasm during normal sex. I can't even get turned on unless I think about submissive situations. My partner wouldn't understand if I told him what I really crave. Sometimes I think I should just give up on normal relationships and find a partner who'll be my "master" as opposed to a kind, loving, normal guy who I can enjoy all other aspects of my life with.
Uncle William says:
Why can't it be both? What the fuck is a 'normal' relationship or a 'normal' guy anyway? If sexual politics and social pressures aren't getting in the way of a woman's (or man's, for that matter) sexual fulfilment, then it's this attitude of settling for a dreary someone that happens to you rather than discovering a man you really want. To surrender to, a man who really wants you, a man that will make you feel horny when he's there and even more when he's not there.
(Daily Star 04/05/11)
I have swapped one addiction for another. Overeating used to be my thing and now it’s overspending. I owe £12,000 and I’m going out of my mind. I’ve no way of paying this back and am too frightened and ashamed to turn to my family for help.
This time two years ago I was absolutely enormous. I couldn’t get a boyfriend so I comfort ate instead. I had chocolate bars and pop for breakfast, two takeaway pizzas for lunch and burgers, chips and cider for tea. In between I’d snack on cakes, crisps and biscuits.
One boring Sunday afternoon, I went on an all-out binge. I ate so much that I thought I was having a heart attack. An ambulance was called, only the paramedics couldn’t get me down the stairs. My nephew had to ask our neighbours to lend a hand. It was so humiliating.
Two weeks later I begged my dad to pay for a gastric band operation. He wasn’t happy, but withdrew his life savings. I had the op and started to lose weight straight away.
I quickly ditched my hideous old tents and ordered trendy new clothes, slim shoes and make-up. I treated myself to fab jewellery, hair straighteners and tanning products.
Then I met a gorgeous guy through a chat room. He invited me to spend the weekend with him in Blackpool, so I went crazy ordering new luggage, more clothes and stuff for him.
We had a passionate sex-fuelled weekend, but when we went to check out, he discovered that his wallet had been stolen.
I paid the bill and lent him £50 to get home. That was the last I ever saw of him.
Since then I’ve been spending to cheer myself up. It’s become a compulsion with me. I just can’t stop.
Going back to my dad isn’t an option, because I had his cash for my operation. I’m scared. I just don’t see any way out of this mess. Why am I so stupid? Why can’t I stop like normal people?
Uncle William says:
I'm not buying into your compulsion racket, it's time for you to own up to the fact that you've been a greedy selfish cunt. Write that down a few times. Once you've done that with enough contrition and honesty, you can phone your dad and tell him you love him and that you're sorry. And then, starting today, the credit card companies can go fuck themselves because you're going to exclusively dedicate yourself to paying your dad back what you owe him for his life savings.
(The Guardian 05/05/11)
I'm a 29-year-old girl who has always been turned on by submissive fantasies – such as being raped, tortured, tied up etc. I know these are common female fantasies, but my problem is I can't have an orgasm during normal sex. I can't even get turned on unless I think about submissive situations. My partner wouldn't understand if I told him what I really crave. Sometimes I think I should just give up on normal relationships and find a partner who'll be my "master" as opposed to a kind, loving, normal guy who I can enjoy all other aspects of my life with.
Uncle William says:
Why can't it be both? What the fuck is a 'normal' relationship or a 'normal' guy anyway? If sexual politics and social pressures aren't getting in the way of a woman's (or man's, for that matter) sexual fulfilment, then it's this attitude of settling for a dreary someone that happens to you rather than discovering a man you really want. To surrender to, a man who really wants you, a man that will make you feel horny when he's there and even more when he's not there.
(Daily Star 04/05/11)
I have swapped one addiction for another. Overeating used to be my thing and now it’s overspending. I owe £12,000 and I’m going out of my mind. I’ve no way of paying this back and am too frightened and ashamed to turn to my family for help.
This time two years ago I was absolutely enormous. I couldn’t get a boyfriend so I comfort ate instead. I had chocolate bars and pop for breakfast, two takeaway pizzas for lunch and burgers, chips and cider for tea. In between I’d snack on cakes, crisps and biscuits.
One boring Sunday afternoon, I went on an all-out binge. I ate so much that I thought I was having a heart attack. An ambulance was called, only the paramedics couldn’t get me down the stairs. My nephew had to ask our neighbours to lend a hand. It was so humiliating.
Two weeks later I begged my dad to pay for a gastric band operation. He wasn’t happy, but withdrew his life savings. I had the op and started to lose weight straight away.
I quickly ditched my hideous old tents and ordered trendy new clothes, slim shoes and make-up. I treated myself to fab jewellery, hair straighteners and tanning products.
Then I met a gorgeous guy through a chat room. He invited me to spend the weekend with him in Blackpool, so I went crazy ordering new luggage, more clothes and stuff for him.
We had a passionate sex-fuelled weekend, but when we went to check out, he discovered that his wallet had been stolen.
I paid the bill and lent him £50 to get home. That was the last I ever saw of him.
Since then I’ve been spending to cheer myself up. It’s become a compulsion with me. I just can’t stop.
Going back to my dad isn’t an option, because I had his cash for my operation. I’m scared. I just don’t see any way out of this mess. Why am I so stupid? Why can’t I stop like normal people?
Uncle William says:
I'm not buying into your compulsion racket, it's time for you to own up to the fact that you've been a greedy selfish cunt. Write that down a few times. Once you've done that with enough contrition and honesty, you can phone your dad and tell him you love him and that you're sorry. And then, starting today, the credit card companies can go fuck themselves because you're going to exclusively dedicate yourself to paying your dad back what you owe him for his life savings.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
I Am Immortal And Alive
- Gil J Wolman
Two Of A Kind
- Darcy O'Brien
Good Sex Illustrated
- Tony Duvert
Split Image: The Life Of Anthony Perkins
- Charles Winecoff
La Anarquía Del Silencio - John Cage
The Great Masturbator - Vagina Dentata Organ (CD)
Music For The Blind - Vagina Dentata Organ (CD)
Mayerling - Clock On 5 (12" EP)
Manantiales Del Canto: Argentina En Cerros y Llanos - Various Artists (CD)
Beautiful Liverpool (VBS documentary)
Groupies (1970 documentary)
Coming Apart DVD
I Am Immortal And Alive
Two Of A Kind
Good Sex Illustrated
Split Image: The Life Of Anthony Perkins
La Anarquía Del Silencio - John Cage
The Great Masturbator - Vagina Dentata Organ (CD)
Music For The Blind - Vagina Dentata Organ (CD)
Mayerling - Clock On 5 (12" EP)
Manantiales Del Canto: Argentina En Cerros y Llanos - Various Artists (CD)
Beautiful Liverpool (VBS documentary)
Groupies (1970 documentary)
Coming Apart DVD
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
The dinner and party at the Postbahnhof am Gleisdreieck on Saturday night was a huge 1,000-strong invited gathering of all the featured artists and participants of the annual Gallery Weekend Berlin. It was a bit like the royal wedding but with more sartorially elegant guests, and no dodgy clergymen or war criminals present. And best of all, DJ Benetti, as the event's official DJ, got to bring his unique Italo disco and übergay hi-nrg mixage to the proceedings in what turned out to be a marathon 6-hour non-stop set accompanied by a special laser light show. Later in the evening, despite the strict security, Gilbert & George did manage to gatecrash their way in to join the fun. Much to the organisers' delight.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Yet another avuncular intervention in the lives of others that, whilst being gleefully, nay, openly gratuitous, is probably best kept secret from those at whom it seems aimed.
(The Sun 02/05/11)
I'm the stereotypical Mr Nice Guy, yet I get ignored by girls in favour of my less "decent" mates. It makes me bitter and angry.
I'm 17 and all my mates say I'm the nice, kind, funny and caring one in the group, yet I always end up in the doomed "friend" zone.
I met a girl last year and fell in love for the first time. We dated for just a month before she decided we were better off as just friends. I then sat back and watched her having relationships with other guys - it killed me.
Another girl I like describes me as "perfect boyfriend material" but she won't go out with me because we're such good friends. I get constant rejection. I'm the only guy in our group who is still a virgin and that puts a lot of pressure on me to find that someone special.
I've been thinking I should stop being "nice" and forget caring about girls. I've never been a one-night stand guy but, if I'm not meant for serious relationships, maybe I'm better off joining my mates in loving and leaving girls.
I know I'm sounding negative but I'm running out of hope and patience.
Uncle William says:
Ah, the dreaded 'nice guy' syndrome!
When women describe a guy as 'nice', it surely does not have the same meaning as a nice cake, or a nice house, or a nice hotel. Or a nice fuck, for that matter.
Therefore, for this to make sense, let's switch 'nice' for 'murky'.
A woman's instinctive defence shield rightly knows that all your male niceness behaviour, read 'murk', is typically a deceptive front for various kinds of unknown selfish intent, it feels uncomfortable in the sexual realm and is a big turn-off.
Come on, be honest with us, your so-called caring self extends only to girls you fancy. You know you're not 'there' to listen to me tell you all about my problems, or offering to walk some other dude home after class. You're not into complimenting wheelchair-bound grannies on their skirts, hair, or shoes, least of all their colostomy bags. You're not buying gifts for small children. That's right, I know you want to get laid, and there's nothing wrong with that, girls want to get laid too but not with murky guys.
Now don't be like your mates and fall for that schoolboy binary response that you therefore need to become an asshole. Stay good-mannered, stay cool and, above all, be honest and direct. Those girls are aching to get their filthy sex-starved paws on the yummy new you.
(The Sun 02/05/11)
I'm the stereotypical Mr Nice Guy, yet I get ignored by girls in favour of my less "decent" mates. It makes me bitter and angry.
I'm 17 and all my mates say I'm the nice, kind, funny and caring one in the group, yet I always end up in the doomed "friend" zone.
I met a girl last year and fell in love for the first time. We dated for just a month before she decided we were better off as just friends. I then sat back and watched her having relationships with other guys - it killed me.
Another girl I like describes me as "perfect boyfriend material" but she won't go out with me because we're such good friends. I get constant rejection. I'm the only guy in our group who is still a virgin and that puts a lot of pressure on me to find that someone special.
I've been thinking I should stop being "nice" and forget caring about girls. I've never been a one-night stand guy but, if I'm not meant for serious relationships, maybe I'm better off joining my mates in loving and leaving girls.
I know I'm sounding negative but I'm running out of hope and patience.
Uncle William says:
Ah, the dreaded 'nice guy' syndrome!
When women describe a guy as 'nice', it surely does not have the same meaning as a nice cake, or a nice house, or a nice hotel. Or a nice fuck, for that matter.
Therefore, for this to make sense, let's switch 'nice' for 'murky'.
A woman's instinctive defence shield rightly knows that all your male niceness behaviour, read 'murk', is typically a deceptive front for various kinds of unknown selfish intent, it feels uncomfortable in the sexual realm and is a big turn-off.
Come on, be honest with us, your so-called caring self extends only to girls you fancy. You know you're not 'there' to listen to me tell you all about my problems, or offering to walk some other dude home after class. You're not into complimenting wheelchair-bound grannies on their skirts, hair, or shoes, least of all their colostomy bags. You're not buying gifts for small children. That's right, I know you want to get laid, and there's nothing wrong with that, girls want to get laid too but not with murky guys.
Now don't be like your mates and fall for that schoolboy binary response that you therefore need to become an asshole. Stay good-mannered, stay cool and, above all, be honest and direct. Those girls are aching to get their filthy sex-starved paws on the yummy new you.
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