Sunday, September 30, 2007


Do you think humans have as many lives as cats? I certainly hope so because I know they must be fast running out. From a couple of very near drownings, as a child sleepwalking my way off a five metre high balcony, almost being squished by a Spanish express train and to, most recently, Friday's falling off the stage at the concert in Belfast.

I remember it was dark, had just finished verse 3 of Cruise, and was heading back to the instrument table to let Philip unleash his '50 questions' when suddenly in a split second everything changed: flat out on a cold floor looking up at the ceiling not being able to move.

The good news is that the heavy duty painkillers are now doing their job, and there's no permanent damage, just torn muscles and some exotic bruises. The paramedics and nurses at the hospital in Belfast were, despite working under testing circumstances, extraordinarily warm, friendly and dedicated; and as surely as they won't be reading this, I'm compelled to say a huge and sincere thank you for everything. Many, many thanks also to everyone who has sent messages, it really means a lot.


'Eρασταρχος said...

That's terrible. I hope that you're alright. :(

How long do they expect recovery to take? Hopefully, it'll be quick, as it thankfully tends to be in cases like this.

LJP said...

I remember there was one time I almost burned the house down playing with matches when I was a child.

Anyways I hope you get better...

JG said...

William,hope you're healing well,glad to hear it was nothing too serious and i hope you'll be back. If it's any consolation at all I gather Phillip did a fine job in Dublin the following night..take care

_Black_Acrylic said...

Get well soon William!

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Duncan Fleming said...

Pride comes before a....

emboscado said...

Accidents happen...even (or I should say specially) during a concert. As we say here: Arriba el animo y el cuerpo irá trás él!

Hope a quick recovery. Best wishes!

Unknown said...

It sounds as if you may have undergone a kind of birth-death experience. What kinds of drugs are you taking for it?

Get strong, again, soon.

Alex Bertram-Powell said...

I'm with Steven on this one, mate. You're like Candance Newmaker but without the vomit, plus you're still alive.

Unknown said...

To good health! Make sure you're getting a balanced meal.

JudgeDress said...

WTF? Get well soon dude! How did that happen? Anyway, looking forward immensely to the Dec 21 show!
