Sunday, August 20, 2006


Yo Blair's army desperately continues to attempt to persuade, if not subtly coerce, young and naive youth to sign up through expensive glamorous adverts promising 'passion', 'adventure' and 'excitement'. Yeah, right. Truthfully, while they train you to be a dangerous serial killer, all that should read as 'institutionalised bullying', 'probable death or serious injury', 'endless time away from family and loved ones', 'fighting pointless wars for Halliburton', 'pathetic wages', 'long term health risks', and 'lifelong psychological trauma'. Today's government spin is about increased recruitment, carefully not mentioning 25% drop-out rate, thousands going AWOL, and all the aforementioned deaths and serious injuries. Consider me a traitor.


Sypha said...

Well, in America it's even worse, as you can probably imagine. Over here it's mostly targeting the minorities, the poor, the uneducated, and so forth.

LJP said...

Get a load of this!

charlie m. said...

truth be told this army recruiter not far from where I live (in the US) got in huge shit as he told some highschool kid he would "goto jail" if he didnt enlist.

they lie severely here too, probably even moreso.

William Bennett said...

To me, the most enlightening bit of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 was the same stuff about recruitment in the States.

Can't get your link to work, ljp, you may need to break it in two lines?

LJP said...

It was supposed to be about military recruiters being accused of sexual abuse (which would figure.) Couldn't find the link again, but you can find a link of it that works on my blog:

William Bennett said...

Let me also add 'Terrorstorm' to that worthy list, Patrick.

Agent Polsky said...

Yeah, it's all well and good to be a "traitor," but if the proverbial sh*t really hit the fan, you'd be the first to cry for the police to come and save you...