Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Some further personal definitions.

#4: romantic
How romantic do you consider yourself? It's a question that seems to come up in rather unexpected contexts. The funny thing is I use the word a lot and often feel the need to immediately qualify it. But why? Romance to me isn't some weedy supplicating tacky card gesture or late night 7-11 flowers or a gimmicky proposal or a box of Milk Tray. It's about surrender, passion, laughter, lost control, screams, tenderness, loneliness, ecstasy, danger, madness, fantasy, tragedy, cruelty, protecti0n, exhilaration; it's full of all of these wild contradictions - but crucially, all experienced with that someone with the purpose of transcending the numb prism of life itself, and paradoxically, to thereby celebrate it.

#5: yes
I don't mean yeah or yep or the other lazy variants, I mean yes which is a far far sexier word. I love to really emphasise that glorious final s to get it rich and compelling; to get that subtext of deep promise that will grant you the permission to do something, anything, any thing that might happen to be lingering there in our mysterious imaginations.


j-pcaron said...

Once more, great...
I myself tend to associate the "romantic" theme more with Romanticism, than with romance itsef. And it seems your response to it also embodies some of the elements of Romanticism, as a cultural movement, although you didn´t actually mentioned it.

the "yes" entry reminds me of yoko ono, which is also commented somewhere else in this blog.

I would really like to see you elaborate on the "ascesis" theme...


. said...

“#5: yes

I don't mean yeah or yep or the other lazy variants, I mean yes which is a far far sexier word. I love to really emphasise that glorious final s to get it richer and more compelling”

Along these same lines, I’ve always found that the word “fuck”, when used correctly (and sparingly), can still be an immensely powerful and even shocking word, especially when it is placed in just the right location and weighted with the precise amount of vitriol.

Unfortunately, due to my excessive bad language I very rarely get to utilise the word to its full potential. :)

William Bennett said...

Walter, I'm very pleased to read your comment because that's certainly a word I want to also mention along these lines

Unknown said...

All this is very beautifully done.
Wonderfully expressed.

And 'fuck' should be included. I agree.