I'm a big fan of German supermarket chain Lidl. It's not just because you enjoy superior continental European quality, nor that everything is about a third of the price of the dreaded Tesco, nor that you can mingle with a better more knowing class of customer. It's a forager's paradise: you just never know what you're going to find in there since every week part of the stock changes in the most unexpected, if not downright bizarre, ways.
One week it could be motorcycling gear, another week maybe a load of equestrian stuff will come in, another women's lingerie, another space telescopes, or Scottish kilts, camping equipment, sewing machines, guitars and synths, CCTV kits, chainsaws, blood pressure monitors, even combine harvesters. OK, I made the last one up, but it wouldn't be so surprising. I even got my trusty satellite dish from there.
A couple of weeks ago it was Lidl's 'Greek Festival' (this week it's 'Scandinavia') and I felt strangely compelled to get me a tin of the musky octopus. No idea why.